Crimson Butterfly
This is really old and was shot before I even got my DSLR.
Profile Shots and my new Speedlight
These are just some profile shots I did. Since COVID I haven't been able to shoot. Luckily my sister asked me to do some profile shots...
Connor from Detroit: Become Human (female version) Cosplay
Taken during Cosmania 2019 Thanks Zen I had fun
Cosmania 2019
Photos from Cosmania 2019. I wish I had lights the photos would be way better.
Toy Photography Seminar
A friend invited me to go to a Toy Photography Seminar in Mall of Asia, here are some photos I took
Its a Bugs Life
Photos taken from the Butterfly garden in my University #bug #insect #floer #macro
Toys of Manila
Photos taken of toys at various toyshops in Manila
Just some photos of a kitten I love and miss dearly
An Underground Concert
The following images were taken at an underground concert I went to in 2015, I've been re-editing a bunch of my old photos since I got...